First formal steps before and after arrival

Before coming to Poland:

Citizens of the European Union, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland (hereinafter referred to as EU or EFTA nationals ) and family members who are not EU nationals may stay in Poland for up to 3 months without any additional procedures. During that time, EU citizens are required to carry a valid travel document or a document confirming their identity and citizenship. Their family members who are not EU or EFTA citizens are required to carry a valid travel document.

Citizens of non-EU or EFTA countries are required to obtain a Polish visa at the Polish Consulate in their country.

When entering Poland, you should :

  1. State the purpose and the circumstances of your intended stay and present documents confirming this information;
  2. have with you  and present, at the request of the Border Guard, documents confirming health insurance for the duration of your stay in Poland;
  3. (if entering on a visa) Have sufficient financial means for subsistence during your stay and for the return or present documents confirming your ability to obtain such funds legally.

Information on how to legalise your stay in Poland- read here 

Upon arrival in Poland:

After arriving in Poland foreigners are required to register the address of their temporary residence at the municipal office no later than four days after entering the country. Confirmation of this registration is required for further procedures related to  establishing residence in Poland.


You need to register for temporary residence within three months of your arrival.

  1. EU or EFTA nationals and family members of EU or EFTA nationals are required to register their residence in Poland;
  2. EU or EFTA nationals’ family members who are not EU or EFTA nationals are required to obtain a residence card;
  3. non-EU or non-EFTA nationals must obtain a temporary residence permit.

The application to register or to obtain a residence card for family members of EU or EFTA nationals must be submitted in person to the local voivodeship office no later than one day after 3 months from entering Poland. Foreign nationals must re-apply for temporary residence at least 45 days before the expiry date of their visa or x current temporary residence permit.

•  STEP 3

If you have a residence permit to stay in Poland for longer than 3 months, you must register your residence for longer than 3 months.

For information on how to legalise your stay in Poland – read here
